An off-white trifold with a green diagram of a kitchen.

Kitchens & Accessibility


Over the course of two weeks, I worked with my partner, Kaeli Walker, to further research the accessibility of kitchens for older adults.

After preliminary research on existing literature, we carried out an online survey and interviewed Kaeli's grandparents.

We gathered our research and created a twenty-five page booklet based on our findings.

A folder of Google docs made for this research.
A photo of Joy Hwang's kitchen. 1 of 3.
Joy Hwang's kitchen 2 of 3.
Joy Hwang's kitchen 3 of 3.
Process image of book cover with kitchen drawing; 1 of 3.
Process image 2 of 3.
Process image 3 of 3.
A green diagram mapping Donna's movement as she prepares dessert in the kitchen.
The book cover is displayed by someone holding the book.
A spread from the book showing a QR code and graphs.
A spread from the book showing more graphs and pie charts.
Click through the slide deck above to see a summary of our process and results.