Someone taking a photo of a plant with their iPhone; the Leaflet logo is depicted nearby.



Leaflet is an app where you can identify plants and take part in a community of plant-enthusiasts.

Share photos of your plants, participate in research, and ask the community your questions – whatever your plant niche is, you’ll find it here.

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Leaflet is inspired by my dad, who loves learning about the plants that he sees on his walks. He also loves watching seeds sprout and saves fruit and vegetable seeds for this very purpose.

He has tried using these types of apps before, but gave up on using them because image searching technology is still lacking and the app interfaces weren't very user friendly.

Leaflet is designed for the many others who have similar stories to my dad.

A mockup of screens from the app on an array of iPhones.

Though image-recognition technology has improved over the years, it still fails to produce results that are consistently reliable.

I designed Leaflet to focus more on the function of a community to support these weaknesses. Photos can be automatically posted to the community to ask for more input on the identification of a plant if you're not certain.

Someone holding a phone with the Leaflet app open.